Most of the song by hyakkei are relaxing, less-rock, easy listening tracks with fancy drumming. As they first album tagged hyakkei not 百景, but in their second they tagged both 百景 and hyakkei so it's kinda confusing on, but i prefer the kanji anyway.
01 kagefumi
02 birds
03 effect
04 hunting
05 prairie
06 cause
07 maple
08 7x7
09 coffe and pudding
10 steam
11 -2°C
12 elements
On the first album they use fancy jumpy drum often. And my favourite track is kagefumi (i think everyone will love this very catchy track), birds, effect, and cause. On track "cause" they play more like math-rock.
01 ほんをよむ
02 まほうのじゅうたん
03 くうちゅうさんぽ
04 うろこぐも
05 まちのあかり
06 うみべのとしょかん
07 たのしいおしゃべり
08 ガタ・ゴト・ガタ
09 ぼくのワルツ
10 よるをこえる
11 ナノフラワー
12 きいろいジャケット
In here the drumming are somehow reind me of toe. Well overall this album is OK. The strange things is they only write kana on song title (only one kanji), it's obviously saying that their target market is more to outside Japan.