Not so long ago, one of my friend tell me to check out this band, which eventually i found it good. This is a band from England consisting the member of Devo, The Chemical Brothers and The Grateful Dead. Based on Manchester. This is their second album but since it consist all the song from the first album too in 2 disc, so i think this is their first album. From my opinion sometimes it remind me of Coldplay, Bloc Party, UNKLE, and even Massive Attack. Well UK music is always feel like similar because the Accent, music atmosphere, and sound mixing.
Disc One
01 224th Day
02 Troubled Son
03 Dead Fingers Talking
04 Rocket
05 Kingdom
06 Sarah Dreams of Summer
07 Apron Strings
08 All American Taste
09 Quiet Place
10 So
11 England
12 Over
13 Fallout
14 Forever
15 Stone Cold
Disc Two
01 Eighty Eight
02 Donkey
03 Get a Fucking Haircut
04 Innocence
05 Home
06 Heaven Kissing Hill
07 The Tape
08 Asleep at the Wheel
09 Pretty Police State
10 Soft Touch
11 Pixelated Birds
12 Je suis le vent
13 Nancy Adam Susan
14 The Tree
My favourite track is "Troubled Son", "Rocket", and "England". Personally i like this album. There's constant static mood from start till end, what i mean is, it consist fast, middle, and slow tempo spreading entire 2 disc album. Well it's not make the perfect album but still good enough. I give personal score of this album 7,8 ratings.